The LUMii Solar 315Watt Kit is a fixture for a 315s CMD lamps. They will give your plants the best light.
Full fixture (ballast & lamp) - Short circuit protection.
Use for both supplementary and stand alone lighting. Extremely high PAR levels Suitable for all CDM 315w lamps.
LUMii SOLAR 315w (CDM) lamps give a light spectrum that’s much closer to natural sunlight than typical lights.
These state of the art lamps generate a greater level of useable plant light. They have a low power use and heat output and they make a very high quality end product.
The ‘daylight’ lamp, with a colour of 4200K is best for vegetative growth.
They have a low power use and heat output and they produce a very high quality end product. Designed with flowering in mind (with a colour temperature of 3200K).
However, because it’s full spectrum, it will produce the goods in both grow stages.
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